Control of unregulated organic matter in water environment and water use
Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in water is a mixture of unknown complex compounds. Certain molecules among them cause various water quality problems such as generation of disinfection byproducts, bacterial regrowth in distribution systems, membrane fouling and so on. However, conventional analysis such as TOC, COD, BOD can just evaluate quantity of comprehensive DOM. The "composition" of DOM has not been taken into consideration. Although advanced methods such as UV-Vis spectrometry, fluorescence property, FTIR, molecular size distribution, resin fractionation have been applied, those methods just extract one aspect of DOM. The molecular composition of DOM have not been revealed yet. Therefore, we are working on a research to characterize DOM composition by high resolution and high accuracy mass spectrometry such as Orbitrap MS. Orbitrap MS can resolve complex mixture of DOM and assign a molecular formula to each molecule based on its accurate mass data. Combination of Orbitrap MS with fragmentation can predict the structure of an unknown molecule. We apply this technique to evaluate changes in DOM in water treatment processes. Moreover, unknown screening of specific molecules serving as unknown disinfection byproducts precursors in drinking water and dissolved COD in lake water. We are also interested in screening of unknown risk factors in source water and searching for chemical candidates that should be monitored with high priority for water environment conservation.
水中の溶存有機物(Dissolved Organic Matter: DOM)は多様な未知成分の混合物です。これらの中の特定の成分が、消毒副生成物の前駆物質として、細菌再増殖の基質として、あるいは膜ファウリングの要因として、様々な水質障害に関与しています。しかし、従来の有機物分析の視点は、TOC、COD、BODのように包括的な量の評価にとどまっており、「組成」は考慮されてきませんでした。紫外可視吸光度、蛍光特性、赤外吸収特性、分子量分布、樹脂分画などの分析手法により、DOMの特性の解明は進められてきてはいるものの、これらの手法もDOMの一面を切り出しているに過ぎず、個々の分子組成の解明には至っていません。
Orbitrap MS, DOM composition, Unknown screening
- Changes in DOM compotioon in water/waste water treatment processes/浄水処理、下水再生水処理における溶存有機物の組成評価
- Monitoring of source water risk factors by comprehensive analysis of DOM/溶存有機物の網羅的分析による水道原水リスク因子の監視
- Unknown screening of regulation candidates for water environment conservation/水環境保全に向けた要調査項目候補物質の未知スクリーニング
- Molecular library of molecules contributing to dissolved COD in different lakes/全国の湖沼を対象とした湖沼溶存COD成分の分子ライブラリーの構築
Control of microbial function and microbial community in water distribution system
Environmental purification and water treatment technologies utilizing the power of microorganisms is widely applied. However, the basic mechanisms of these technologies remain unknown since most of them have been established empirically. We are trying to explore key players and their functions in environmental microbiological technologies. Regarding bioremediation, we are interested in the microorganisms capable of degrading organic chlorinated compounds and benzene in soil and ground water under anaerobic condition. So far, we have succeeded in accumulating benzene degradation culture under methanogenic condition. By revealing the mechanism, we are applying this culture to remediate complex pollution.
Regarding water treatment, we are intensively studying biological activated carbon (BAC) that is applied for an advanced water purification process. It has been known that BAC has potential to degrade biodegradable organic matter such as AOC and nitrification. However, no information is available for key microorganisms associated with BAC. So far, we have revealed that novel ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) were involved in nitrification in BAC and some specific groups could contribute to degrade carboxylic acids. In addition, biological stability of drinking water and reclaimed water is intensively studied to manage bacterial regrowth in distribution system. We extend our scope to microbial loop in lake environments to reveal key bacteria shaping the quality of dissolved organic matter.
Bioremediation,Biological activated carbon, Bacterial regrowth, Microbial loop, molecular biological techniques
Major topics
- Anaerobic benzene degradation in soil and groundwater under methanogenic condition/メタン生成条件下における土壌・地下水の嫌気ベンゼン分解(バイオレメディエーション)
- AOC removal and nitrification potential of biological activated carbon in an advanced water purification process/高度浄水処理生物活性炭における生物学的浄化機構の解明
- Monitoring and control of bacterial regrowth in water distibution systems/水道給配水系における細菌再増殖の監視と制御
- Elucidation of bacterial groups actively involved in shaping DOM in lake microbial loop/湖沼微生物ループにおける炭素フローに関与する細菌群の多様性の解明